Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Won't Anyone Write A Long, Wonderful Blog Post For Me To Read?

I've been filing these dumb taxes for days now and I would take any distraction on the planet.

I've already had a piece of pie,
read old blog posts,
scanned the news headlines,
and looked at pictures of my own kids on the screensaver for many minutes.



Jodi said...

done. Long . . . not sure about beautiful.

Merinda Cutler said...

I'm supposed to be cleaning for my parents to arrive, and I'm doing avoidance behavior. Try this one: www.apronstage.com. I don't know the people but they post every day and it's always entertaining/interesting reading for folks like us. And most of them live in New York. Perfect avoidance behavior.

Merinda Cutler said...

make that www.theapronstage.com