Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why Can't I Turn Into My Mother Like Everyone Else?

I have the grey hair.
I lose my keys.
I sound like her on the phone.
And I have a big smile.
I worry about my weight.
I wear only one type of outfit (hers is pullover dresses, mine is jeans and t-shirt.)
I like to read.
And I like everybody. Even "characters."

But I don't laugh at tense situations.
I don't know what to do when my children melt down.
I don't control my words.
I don't look on the bright side like she does.
I don't keep at it until I fix it.
I don't think I can figure it out myself.
I don't see the real-life applications of scripture stories.
My kids don't know I adore them the way I knew my mother adored me.

Why can't I turn into my mother?
Everyone else turns into their mother.

If I can't turn into her, why I can't I at least be the woman she thinks I am?


Mel P. said...

You are quite old enough to completely be your mother. Give it time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tribute sweetheart, but you are every thing I wish I could be and could have been. I'm hoping that when I get skinny, I will turn into you!