Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Does Three Months Go Overnight?

I should try sleeping less. 

(For a blurry wish-we-had-a-different-camera-and-a-better-photographer view of the last three months see 1000 Words a Day.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just When You Think It Can't Possibly Get Any Worse

Your husband puts his knee through the sunroof. 

No stitches necessary.

Just a lot of duct tape.

This van is good for my funny bone. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

When Am I Going to Be Old Enough...

...to Not Care If Anyone Sees Me Running?

Not to run faster when someone is watching?

And not suck in when I wear a swimming suit?

Not to throw things into a laundry basket and hide them in my closet before someone comes to my house?

From a woman who lived to be 92:

"Fifty was my favorite age. It takes about that long to learn to quit competing--to be yourself and settle down to living. It is the age I would like to be through all eternity." Marjorie Pay Hinckley