Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Dare They Say All Those Things About Me?

And why the CRAP (the harshest, filthiest word I use) do we buy it?!?

I stood in a long line at the grocery store the other day. (and I had the back of my grocery list and a pen in my pocket.)

During that time I was told that I...

...should "Be Happier"

...could "Lose Weight While I Eat"

...can "Get More Out Of My Life"

...and ought to "Make My Man Happier."

Apparently "It's Time To Reinvent My Rooms" and "Lighten Up My Comfort Food."

I should have "Banked My Baby's Cord Blood," should be "Planning Ahead For Halloween," and can achieve "Body Bliss By 42."

And it seems that my sex life may not be "Normal."

Magazine after magazine tells me they have the "secrets," "tips," "tricks," and "inside scoops" to my life. Really? Well, that would be worth $3.95.

I won't even bother to include all the criticisms that are insinuated by the pictures in my tirade.

What gives Magazine Publishers the nerve to criticize, accuse and demean women so blatantly?

But the bigger question is, Why the HECK (another good swear word) are we stupid enough to buy it!?

(Mom, there's an article about "Curbing Your Child's Swearing" on p. 98 of Today's Parent Magazine)


Anonymous said...

I thought that my children did not swear until I read this blog! (only kidding) My school kids don't read much and neither do their parents, which is why they have such large four-letter-word vocabularies. Don't think reading about it is going to help, especially in one of those ______, _____ magazines.

Love you

Jodi said...

Oh my. Such language.

Amen to every complaint you just aired, therefore I don't subscribe, or even browse.

Mary Ann said...

Amazing, isn't it. That 'light bulb' moment when you realize that most of that media is total trash, with one object in mind. your money. So there is always 'one article on weight loss, one on sex, etc.'

The further removed you are from it all, the more annoyingly absurd it seems.

christine said...

I saw a cool video my friend published on her blog today I thought you might enjoy along these lines. I will give you the link to her blog, it is the entry "perception of beauty" whimandwhimsy.blogspot.com