Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Reading The Work and The Glory Count As Scripture Study?

It has long passages from the Doctrine & Covenants and the New Testament.


Mel P. said...

It does in my world!!

christine said...

It's is probably closer than the Lightning thief series that I have been completely absorbed in for the last 2 weeks. lol!

Merinda Cutler said...

No! Remember the family in the 10th ward who had a daughter your age named Karen P.? Her mom used to get up in Relief Society and bear testimony of The Work and the Glory, and now they belong to some apostate group. Not that the the books caused it, but was probably one of many steps away from the mainstream. Don't do it! Read your Deseret Book stuff and study your scriptures too!

I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this (and I know you don't need to be told, but I like to get on my high horse), but I feel it's my duty as your friend (that never calls you and has been reading a history book called "Journey to Zion" in place of scripture study lately!) to be frank with you . . . I'm pretty sure Dallin would agree!