Saturday, July 18, 2009

What Shall We Name The Cat?

This was a lesson in democracy.

Everyone's submissions were carefully written on the list. There were 71 candidates. (No 2-party system here in Canada.) Amoung the more clever were Eliza's two suggestions of "Copy" and "Mousetrap."

Then we began the voting process.
There were several rounds of primaries.
Numerous reminders that democracy was the fairest way to achieve the greatest good for all involved. "Its not fair that there are more girls than boys. All the girls will vote the same."
One adult discussion about whether an electoral system might not be better.
Several desperate lobby attempts from special interest groups, "Pleeeeeease can't we do Lord of the Fire Nation?"
And some strategic voting from the parents to end it all in under 2 hours.

The lesson: Bureaucracy and Democracy go hand in hand even in the smallest decisions. But its better than just calling all cats, "Cat."

So, Katara it is.

1 comment:

Heather O. said...

Is she a water bender? :)