Saturday, July 25, 2009

Have You Seen Our Kitten?

I didn't want it in the first place. I don't like animals. And I didn't want a pet. If I were going to add someone to the family it would be a person who will eventually grow up, not an animal that stays a baby forever. And I'm only willing to clean up poo from my own flesh and blood. I think I even remember saying something about if we didn't like having a pet, we'd just let her fend for herself until she got eaten by a coyote. And I never did get it sorted out to use the right gender pronoun.

But then, he was so cute. And he came when I called. And he purred when I pet him. And I didn't have to clean up his poo because he lived in a cozy cave in the rocks. And so he was definitely a keeper, after all. And it looked like he was going to be a stayer too.

But last week when the babysitter was here they all went swimming and the kitten followed them down the long driveway, but not back up. And we haven't seen her since.

And my kids are sort-of sad. But I think I might be the saddest of all.

P.S. Katara has been found. A week and a half later. Naomi is thrilled. Eliza and Chas don't seem to care one way or the other. The neighbour kids who have had him/her for a week are distraught. The neighbour tells me it is a girl cat. Oh brother! And I'm just worried that we'll lose it again and now I'll have the neighbour kids sad, our own kids sad, and three different neighbours wagging their fingers at me because I never let it in the house.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm so sorry. That's the very reason I put off getting a pet as long as I possibly could. There's enough to be sad about without the mourning of a lost pet. I dread the day something happens to our pup.