Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Is The Deadline For A Goal To Be A New Year's Reslolution?

New Year's Resolutions have so much more power. So much more longevity. So much more resolve.

I don't want my goals to just be goals. I want them to be RESOLUTIONS!

Is January 5th too late?

How about February 11th?

I think I'd have better hope of keeping them if I set them at the end of December. Will that still count?

I'm having trouble settling on a balance between the year that I set 81 new year's resolutions and fell flat on my face and the following year where I set only one and failed completely.

1 comment:

Mel P. said...

Failure only truly exists if you quit trying. It is never too late to set a "resolution".

I plan to set mine tomorrow.