Why is there no parable of the weed? I wondered.
It would tell of an amazing creature that is impervious to insult, resistant to poison, and blooms despite constant criticism. It sends down deep roots and waits patiently for rain. It spreads itself far and wide and leaves a lasting record of itself when it is plucked out. It isn't picky about location and will often choose to intertwine itself with beautiful friends. Often it flowers with humble little blossoms and cheerfully produces more when those are picked for the kitchen table vase (unlike my tulips.) It doesn't complain of hardships (no sun and no water) the way my lettuce and tomatoes do. It blooms happily on despite being trampled and ignored. It makes the best of whatever comes its way.
Be ye therefore as the weed.
I think perhaps I will use this parable for family night this week! :)
I. love. this.
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