Do you know that I miss you every time I blow dry my hair with that round blue brush you gave me 15 years ago?
- Do you know that I picture us in the foyer of the church laughing when I hear the word phrenologist?
- Do you know that I think of your lullaby voice when I sing to my kids at night?
- Do you know that I think of you as I put on my makeup and realize that I haven't bought one piece of it without you there to help me?
- Do you know that I think of you every time I make bread and wonder if it really is saving me money once you calculate the energy costs along with the ingredients cost?
- Do you know that I think of you whenever I hear that someone is going to Europe? And also whenever I think of gross hotels?
- Do you know that you represent New York to me?
- Do you know that I think of you (and Miss Pearl) when I see my kids dance?
- Do you know that I think of you constantly because my daughter has your name?
- Do you know that I wish you were here when I need someone to tell me if I missed a spot curling the back of my hair?
- Do you know that I think of you and smile when I fold socks, lose socks, store odd socks, and wonder about nearly holey socks? Also every Monday and Wednesday when I swim in the slowest lane at the pool?
- Do you know that I remember you roughhousing with me on Grandma's ugly orange carpet when Dallin tickles my kids?
- Do you know that you give me courage when I'm struggling with a child at the piano?
- Do you know that I think of you when I go running and wish there were an ice cream parlor at the end?
- Do you know that I wonder what you are up to when they sing "Search, Ponder and Pray" in Primary?
- Do you know that I remember other lessons you taught me every time I empty the lint catcher in the dryer and on summer mornings when I shut all the windows?
- Do you know that I think of happy parties at your house when we have to make another trip to the pool store?
- Do you know that I admire you for a million reasons as my kids whine when I ask them to fetch something from the food storage room?
- Do you know that I remember the day you bought me the pink Idaho T-shirt every time I do something nice for my nieces?
- Do you know that I wish we were in touch when I try to think of the right word to use in something I'm writing?
- Do you know that I feel grateful for you most Sundays because I can sing the alto line of the hymns?
- Do you know that I long for the good old days whenever I need a cup of milk or two eggs?
- Do you know that I admire you when I read terms in a cookbook that don't seem like English to me (maybe they're not)?
- Do you know that I feel strengthened knowing that you feel sorrow too?
- Do you know that I think how much I love you every time my stomach growls in public?
Do you know how very grateful I am to have you all in my life? Probably not, because I don't tell you very often.
I am so very grateful that you are part of my life. And I'm grateful to have trivial things that remind me of you in a real way so often.Can you figure out which one is you? (1 Becky, 2 Heather, 3 Julie, 4 Jennifer H, 5 Shelley, 6 Amy, 7 Jennifer S, 8 Merinda, 9 Eliza, 10 Christine, 11 Colleen, 12 Fred, 13 Christina, 14 Katherine, 15 Jennie, 16 Grandma Barbara, 17 Melanie, 18 Ellen, 19 Mary Ann, 20 Karen, 21 Larissa, 22 Reena, 23 Shawna, 24 Jodi, 25 Dallin)
Beautifully written! All I can say is "thank you".
This is so fun to read. The only one I think I can figure out is Uncle Fred and the bread. I want you to attach the correct name to the memory (in a few days, maybe)
Thanks, Sariah. I feel so cool that I made the list! I never would have guessed the one for me if you hadn't added the Miss Pearl part! I think of you every time I snuggle-cuddle with my kids in bed or see Audrey Hepburn or see my mom wearing her knotted want to book my flight to Vancouver. Once I get through girls' camp and you get through trek, I'm going to make it happen. I promise.
Sariah, I was just thinking of you this morning. You are such a dear friend. Reading your entry was fun, and flattering to be included in the list. It was so great to see you guys last month. Can't wait till camping next year! I'll call you soon.
Sariah - thank you so much. I feel so special to be on the list and it was fun figuring out which one was me:) I also long for those days and think of you just about every time I am at home in the afternoon with or without the kids and wishing I had someone to chat with. I miss you! You have also cost me about an hour of study time as I have been checking out your blog. Wow - it is beautiful, profound, entertaining..... and it may have made my eyes water a few times. You amaze me.
What a sweet note. Karen told me about. You are something else Ms. Sariah!
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