The Silverdale Idol (school talent show) was originally scheduled to begin at 12:45. Then rescheduled for noon. Now it is beginning at 11:30.
This is to ensure that all 75 acts have time to perform before the buses come. I'm not sure I'm going to make it.
How much Elementary School Talent can a parent endure?
PS--It turned out to be only 36 acts (74 kids involved) and 2.5 hours. A book would have been a good idea, especially for the 19 teeny-bopper songs about somehow making it though without the love of their life who, in all cases it seems, had just left. The hockey demo game was original, and the skip rope numbers were impressive. I feel like a trooper for having endured it well.
1 comment:
As much as is required. I recommend taking a book.
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