Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

This post hit it bang on, I thought:


And it led me to this one, which was pretty close to the mark:


My walking friend tells me that her mother hated Mother's Day every year for the last 40-some years.  My friend, on the other hand, spends every Mother's Day reflecting on her progress as a mother throughout the year.  Both strategies intimidate me a bit.

My cousin tells me that in England they call it Mothering Day.  It has a nice ring to it, she says.  I agree.

Mothering the verb, not the noun:  I spent the day mothering the people who live here.  Or mothering the adjective:  I have chosen a mothering life.  Either one, just not the noun.  The noun opens itself up to descriptive words that are so daunting: Good Mother, Bad Mother, Helicopter Mother, Strict Mother, Yelled-at-us-all-day-long Mother

I'm mothering my way through mortality.  (Did anyone else notice that it almost sounds like "muddling my way through?"  Well, I'm doing that too.)

Happy Mothering Day to all of us!

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