Thursday, May 30, 2013


For the record,

I did a Zumba Class today.

And a Core-something-or-other Class that was awful and painful and humiliating.

Then I came home.

Then I remembered the Boston Cream donuts in the cupboard that I'd hidden from my kids and myself.

Then I debated whether to eat the donuts after I just worked out for an hour and probably didn't burn off the calories of one donut.

Then I paused in my debate to take a picture of the donuts so that I could blog about my dysfunction.

Then I ate them both and chugged water from my exercise water bottle.

Dysfunction at work. 

Also for the record,  they were delicious.

dys·func·tion noun  \(ˌ)dis-ˈfəŋ(k)-shən\

1: impaired functioning

2: unhealthy behavior

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