Saturday, October 16, 2010

When you ground a kid for a week

does it include church activities? 

Any thoughts?


Timo said...

A hearty "yes," I say. Otherwise one's just leaving the discipline open for him/her to punch it full of holes like Swiss cheese. IMHO.

On another note, we're thrilled to see you blogging again!

Fred M said...

We let our children go to YM/YW, but not to church Friday/ Saturday activities. They most likely made cheese. Will have to let them speak for themselves as to the taste of it.

Love you.

Jodi said...

I don't think I'd ban church activities. I don't want my kiddos to think not attending is an option. That would be like banning them from vegetables or exercise.

On the other hand, if they are young and church activities are their only social outlet I can see the wisdom in banning them, therefore inducing the hoped for pain/remorse.

I see that my opposing opinions negate each other so I guess what I really meant to say was good luck with all that.

Mary Ann said...

All I can remember is that a week is a LONG time - for the parents! We use to make the first days non-negotiable - they could
'buy' their way out of the last three by performing services.

As for the church question, our kids probably remember it better - and I'll bet each one remembers it differently!