Friday, December 30, 2011

Final Questions

Is it OK to be an Ostrich?

Is it helpful to follow the drama of the news?

Do all punishments punish the mother more than the child?

What percent of my life is supposed to be bliss?

Why do I ever let my kids stay up past bedtime?

Did I actually get a degree? 

Did I fake my way through Statistics?

Does voting make any difference at all?

Can a person who hates shopping successfully own a house?

Can we ever do "all we can do?"

What did Earth Life Prep look like?

Do my kids think I love serving in the church?

Is my mother right about me?

Why can’t my mother be right about me?

Is it hypocrisy to teach things I often don’t live?

When will I develop a sense of humour?

Do my kids know I like them?

Is it the thought that counts?

What will I do with myself when, one day, the laundry is all done?

How does Heavenly Father really want us to share the gospel?

Is it possible to own too many books?

Does anyone else fantasize about a fire destroying all their worldly possessions?

Can I throw away every toy in our house?

Will it be all right in the end?

Can it be all right now?

Is printing a blog a good idea, or would it be better to let it die in Cyber-Space?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

A Thought on Mother's Day

"Modern motherhood isn't hard; it's impossible. There are just simply not enough hours in the day to do everything. I'm serious. It's a rigged game. Add up the time it would take to do all the things you think you need to do—from dinner to quality time to soccer practice plus a good night's sleep—and if it comes out to less than 24 hours, then you are on the right track. If like, in my life, it adds up to 32 or 36, than it's time to give ourselves the only gift we really need this Mother's Day—the right to stop the madness.-" Raina Kelley, Newsweek, May 8, 2009

Monday, March 14, 2011

Who Are The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel?

Are they the ten that formed the Northern Kingdom of Israel, everyone except Judah and Benjamin, and were later scattered?
Are they the ones we don't really know where their descendants are (from patriarchal blessings, actual genealogy, etc.)?  Everyone except Ephraim and Judah?
Are they the tribes that are neither Reuben (lost his birthright) nor Levi (birthright became temple service)?
Or are they ones we don't have records of, everyone except Judah (Bible) and Manasseh (Book of Mormon)?
Or are they the people who don't believe in Christ because "true believers in Christ, regardless of their lineage or geographical location" are of the House of Israel? (Bible Dictionary)
Try asking this question in Sunday School.  It becomes a mess of theories.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Does Three Months Go Overnight?

I should try sleeping less. 

(For a blurry wish-we-had-a-different-camera-and-a-better-photographer view of the last three months see 1000 Words a Day.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just When You Think It Can't Possibly Get Any Worse

Your husband puts his knee through the sunroof. 

No stitches necessary.

Just a lot of duct tape.

This van is good for my funny bone. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

When Am I Going to Be Old Enough...

...to Not Care If Anyone Sees Me Running?

Not to run faster when someone is watching?

And not suck in when I wear a swimming suit?

Not to throw things into a laundry basket and hide them in my closet before someone comes to my house?

From a woman who lived to be 92:

"Fifty was my favorite age. It takes about that long to learn to quit competing--to be yourself and settle down to living. It is the age I would like to be through all eternity." Marjorie Pay Hinckley